Sunday, July 5, 2015

Why Not Ben Carson?

A pediatric neurosurgeon, Ben Carson is redefining the notion that "anyone can become President." An African American as a Republican  candidate - absurd! Or is it?
Latest polls have Dr. Carson anywhere from 7% (CNN/ORC) to 11% (NBC/WSJ). The physician "want-to-be president" has maintained a steady ranking in the vast array of personalities vying for the Republican nomination.

Why would someone with no political expertise, little knowledge of foreign affairs, no governing experience put himself at risk of public humiliation and ridicule? Because as he states, he "wants to give back."

With polling numbers placing him third in the Republican race - humanitarianism may be something Americans are looking for. There are two other notable non-political runners in this parade of elephants Carly Fiorina (OMG she's a woman!) and The Donald. (Future blogs will give you an idea of how I view this flash in the pan.)

Dr. Carson's views on abortion, the Second Amendment, and Israel are on target with the GOP status quo. His vision of higher standards in education and healthcare are admirable. Where I question the good doctor is his fledgling knowledge on foreign policy in a time of ISIS internal and international terrorism, the new forgiveness of Cuba and Iran, the advancement of Putin and the repair needed between Israel and the U.S.

If Dr. Carson can prove himself equitable in the debates with his quiet demeanor and gentle voice I will consider him more of a "real" candidate and not just a sideshow.

Your integrity and dedication to the country is astounding doctor - now show us you can lead. That is my only question.

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