EBooks by Cathlene Smith

http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/378081Dr. Jessica Doran returns to Helipher to attend her sister’s wedding. Staying at the Red Cliff Motel, Jessica encounters a disturbed teenager who will take her on a chaotic ride down the blackness of insanity. Can the doctor save the teen from self-induced calamity? Will evil from the past envelope Jessica and change her life forever?


 Three unique stories of the Holocaust as written by Cathlene Smith. Each is a prize winner! Fictional short stories based on true life events. The book is approximately 100 pages. The stories, while containing fictional characters reflect the true, heroism of the time and era of the Holocaust.
The uprising of the Lodz ghetto, a rare romance in a concentration camp and the Sobibor escape are captured in this book. Different perspectives and gripping horror from real life accounts.
A must read.

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